
Stagnancy is one of the few words that Patrik Muff does not know. The restless jewellery designer is constantly designing new pieces, discovering sources of inspiration, receiving requests for cooperation or exciting custom-made items. You can find news about the latest projects here.

Muff Moves
01 04 2024

The new location at Kosttor 2 impresses with its gallery character. We show a curated selection of our exhibits from four decades of work, new pieces of jewellery and custom-made products based on customer requirements.

Here, customers can discover Patrik Muff’s handmade jewellery in an artistic display: old vitrine cabinets in the counter area cite historical elements, while the new object cabinets with museum-like lighting put the jewellery in a special light. The Chamber of Wonders area invites you to be inspired by the symbolic nature of the pieces.

Bits & Pieces
20 11 2021

Patrik Muff’s design is significiant in all the objects he creates. Some of the pieces shown here are already absolute classics – combined with brand new pieces, some of them unique, for ladies and gentlemen, in gold and in silver. They all represent the style of Patrik Muff in a very special way and speak to everyone who do not see a piece of jewellery as an interchangeable accessory, but as an authentic self expression.
Feel inspired!

Art pour l’art
08 03 2021

It is an illustrious circle that Patrik Muff has been called into on the occasion of a charity campaign in aid of the Bavarian National Museum. Because he was asked to design a coin to mark the 200th birthday of Prince Regent Luitpold, thus resuming a tradition that came to a halt 110 years ago.

Until then, the best craftsmen in Munich had designed a congratulatory address for each of the round birthdays of the popular monarch (1821 – 1912). For the arts and crafts, as well as the arts in general, flourished during the Prince Regent period, in which Munich was transformed from a provincial capital into a dazzling metropolis.

In his design, Muff combines the traditional portrait of the bearded monarch with symbols that reflect this flourishing, but also Luitpold’s deep attachment to his homeland.

The sale of the silver medal commissioned by the Friends of the Bavarian National Museum thus promotes the arts: it helps to finance the “birthday exhibition” in honour of the Prince Regent, which starts in July. On display then will be those historical objects of congratulations for Luitpold that fan out the entire quality and range of the arts and crafts between historicism and art nouveau. Patrik Muff’s coin closes a circle: as in the past, exquisite arts and crafts contribute to the success of great cultural projects.

Early X-Mas Bird
08 10 2020

Times that sharpen the eye for the essential also refer
to a luxury that is otherwise rarely available:
the ability to take time for really important things.
For example: to show the central people in our lives
with a very special gift how special they are.

Jewellery designer Patrik Muff is therefore inviting all those who are looking for a very personal piece of jewellery for this Christmas from October onwards, perhaps even individualised. A wealth of unusual objects for men and women is also available online. All these pieces can be combined with the personality of the presentee to become their signature piece for years to come.

Be inspired by the creative diversity of Patrik Muff’s designs – either directly in his studio in Ledererstraße or online: Now and at leisure, before the Christmas stress
sets in again…

Insignia of Longing
30 07 2020

In his new collection for this very special summer, jewellery designer Patrik Muff creates objects from which everyone can put together their own personal symbols of wanderlust. Wherever the destination of our dreams may lie: The hurdles of travelling in these times inspire us to intensively enjoy the feelings of longing and anticipation again, in the beer garden or at the mountain lake and to realize that even a swallow sometimes makes a wonderful summer…

The Perfect Match
19 02 2020

Selected pieces from Patrik Muff’s workshop
– handcrafted in rhodanised sterling silver
as well as 18 kt redgold – build the perfect match
for the Black Badge Cullinan.

For the seasonal opening of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars,
the highlights have been presented in the BMW World.

01 10 2019

Handmade in Goodwood meets handmade in Munich. The finest craftsmanship and the utmost individuality. This brand aspiration is shared by both Rolls-Royce Motorcars and Patrik Muff – and was the inspiration for a luxury collaboration that takes these unique values and translates them into a sophisticated design edition: in 2019, Patrik Muff was commissioned by Rolls-Royce to design a special piece of jewellery that perfectly expressed master craftsmanship and individualisation with elements from the worlds of both partners.

The result of this collaboration is a 115-piece limited edition series of numbered and signed fine leather bracelets with a striking Muff clasp as the dominant feature. The bracelets were made exclusively with beautifully soft genuine leather in different looks and colours from the UK workshops of the traditional brand RRMC. Handmade in Goodwood meets handmade in Munich.

Bracelet, various types of leather,
limited edition of 115 pieces.

Workshop Beneath Palm Trees
15 04 2019

For the second time, anyone who is interested will not only be able to look over Patrik Muff’s shoulder at work, but will also be able to create something under his guidance – and do it on heavenly beaches of the Maldives: Over Easter, the Munich jewellery designer is offering exclusive workshops in the luxury resorts “Amilla Fushi” and “Fuhaven Fushi” on the Baa Atoll: Inspired by the rich underwater world and the finds washed up on the beaches, participants can create their own moulds, press them into cuttlebones – a traditional process among goldsmiths – and then fill them with silver on the sand. This creative island break can be booked through the tour operator

Helmets for India
20 03 2019

A motorcycle helmet designed by Patrik Muff… What sounds like a must-have from the workshop of the bustling Munich jewellery designer is above all part of a life-saving charity project by extreme sportsman and TV presenter Niels-Peter Jensen. Through a film project, the former mountain bike pro got to know the murderous traffic of India: Every day, 192 people die there, 70% of them due to head injuries. Many of the victims are women and children; they often simply lack the money to buy helmets. That’s why Jensen started the project “Helmets for India”, which distributes 1000 helmets to the needy. To support the project and attract more attention to it, he asked 23 international artists and designers to design a helmet. Patrik Muff immediately agreed. Now his creation is part of the “Helmet Art Show”; it is currently on display at the Bombay Art Gallery in Mumbai, before it will embark on an exhibition tour around the world.

Expertise for GRIP
03 03 2019

It is the classiest – and most expensive – SUV in the world: The Rolls-Royce Cullinan was introduced just a year ago and is already an automotive legend. Patrik Muff’s expertise was in demand when the RTL2 magazine GRIP tried to figure out whether the haughty carriage was really worth the hefty price of 400,000 euros. The Munich jewellery designer’s task was to subject the metal parts to a thorough quality inspection. The conclusion of the trained goldsmith and precious metal expert: All sparkling controls are so carefully crafted that even a professional is unable to find out whether they are “just” chrome-plated plastic or have a real metal core. Patrik Muff estimated that just to polish the radiator grille to a high gloss would take about a week. His conclusion: 400,000 euros? Fair enough…

05 02 2019

Patrik Muff could not have wished for a more poignant start as a jury member for the Inhorgenta Award: The young goldsmith Gitta Geschmück aka Birgitta Voigt could hardly believe her luck when she was named “Design Newcomer of the Year” for a delicate, gold and precious stone Kaleidoscope – her “journeyman’s piece”. Visibly moved, she accepted the weighty trophy from Patrik Muff. The Munich jewellery designer was entrusted with its design three years ago; and now he was also appointed to the jury together with Bettina Zimmermann, Franziska Knuppe and industry experts.

Good News Letter
18 12 2018

Beauty is always worthy of good news. For this reason, regular customers of Atelier Patrik Muff have been receiving the “Good News Letter” twice a year since December 2018 – with the latest designs, highlights from the latest collections, exciting custom-made products and new variations of particularly popular Muff classics as an excellently designed print edition on fine paper. A treat for the eye, not least thanks to Bele Muff’s loving calligraphy.

Inhorgenta Award
24 02 2018

Patrik Muff creates the Inhorgenta Award! Launched in 2017, the annual Inhorgenta Award is the most prestigious award in the international jewellery industry. This is not only due to the award winners, but also to the award itself: Patrik Muff designed the award as a 3.5-kilogram, bronze-cast skeleton of a diamond – as Muff explains, a universally accepted symbol of purity and perfection. The trophy dispenses with a pedestal and can be presented in various positions – in this respect, the Inhorgenta Award is also a milestone, not only in the industry of jewellers and jewellery designers, but also in the award design itself.

Political Pendants
01 12 2018

A striking piece of jewellery always makes a statement. So why not use this signal effect specifically to convey a political message? The Munich jewellery designer Patrik Muff has therefore created a whole series of pendants that clearly take a stand: against racism, violence and climate change, for equality and openness. Demonstrating can be so easy.

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