Everything started with men’s jewellery: At the age of 13, Patrik Muff supplemented his pocket money in the school yard with homemade earrings for boys; soon after, he made heavy, masculine silver jewellery presentable. To this day, he is fascinated by the creation of striking pieces of jewellery for men, because they formulate a personal and individual statement. The Munich jewellery designer freely takes up the tradition of jewellery as an archaic insignia of strength and power: with animal teeth and claws, with heraldic plaques reminiscent of chains of office, with seal rings, scarabs, skulls or peace signs and razor blades with which punks called out the revolution. Not only the people of Munich love Patrik Muff for his charivaris, with which he gives new, symbolic life with an extra dose of coolness to the traditional Lederhosen accessory.

Signature Pieces
Jewellery designer Patrik Muff’s signature is unmistakable in every item he designs. However, some of the over 1500 handmade creations are absolute must-haves with high recognition value: They embody Patrik Muff’s style in a very unique way.
In addition to the desire to adorn and create personal statements, this is where the refinement of everyday activities comes into play: The accessory collections of the Munich jewellery designer Patrik Muff include Muff’s highly individual and striking interpretation of traditional genres, such as cufflinks or belt buckles and extravagances such as money clips or wallet-chains, which have a noble look thanks to their precious materials, the detailed design and their craftsmanship. The Charivaris deserve special attention: This classic Lederhosen jewellery once again shows how Patrik Muff succeeds in interpreting old traditional forms in a contemporary way and giving them a unique aesthetic.

Memorabilia and subtle statements: For men, wristbands are often an accompaniment to the central piece of jewellery, a man’s watch. Armbands should harmonize with the watch, be it as a heavy, thick link chain or as a narrow, meaningful leather or beaded bracelet, without outshining it – which Patrik Muff’s bracelets, worn individually or as a collection, playfully succeed at.
Sometimes jewellery is a more intimate affair for men than it is for women – pendants are often worn not as a sign for others, but as a talisman and source of power for themselves, hidden under their shirts against the chest. Patrik Muff creates a variety of amulets and motifs, in silver, gold or porcelain for these personal messages.

Men can wear something striking here – loosely based on the tradition of status ornamentation of chieftains, princes or city leaders, which inspires Patrik Muff again and again. A rosary or heavy silver necklace translates these archaic insignias of power and beauty into a statement as fashionable as it is personal.
Distinctly cut stones, coats of arms made of diamonds, signet rings or a crowned skull: A man wearing a striking ring makes a statement that underlines his personality. To this end, jewellery designer Patrik Muff opens up an entire vocabulary of shapes and motifs with great symbolic power.