Jewellery designer Patrik Muff has an immense stylistic range: With more than 1500 items, the collection ranges from striking, symbolic pendants to extra feminine necklaces, rings and bracelets with classic, modern-style jewellery elements such as pearls or gemstones. Thanks to their unusual, detailed settings, as well as their versatile combinability with other Muff items, each wearer can create her own individual, multi-faceted look – from subtle to glamorous or even wild, true to the motto “pearl meets punk”.

Signature Pieces
Jewellery designer Patrik Muff’s signature is unmistakable in every item he designs. However, some of the over 1500 handmade creations are absolute must-haves with high recognition value: They embody Patrik Muff’s style in a very unique way.
Few pieces of jewellery have greater symbolic power and send a greater signal than a ring: It signals solidarity, stands for engagement and marriage, remains on the body constantly and is sometimes never taken off. In no other collection does jewellery designer Patrik Muff offer a wider variety. It ranges from subtle, customizable stamp rings with words and names hammered in, to simple memoir rings with gemstones, to signature rings with large stones and pearls, skulls or animal motifs.

Jewellery designer Patrik Muff draws on a whole range of traditional forms and interprets them in his own characteristic manner – from a Maori leather strap to friendship bracelets to the large “Ethno-Bands” jewellery made of many strands of beads. But even classics like narrow, ridged bangles, bead or charm bracelets are adorned with unusual, highly detailed clasps or magical symbols from Muff’s global cosmos of shapes – feminine and recognizable at first glance.
No type of jewellery goes back further in human history; no jewel is worn more intimately near the heart. Patrik Muff’s chain creations add a great deal of individuality – starting with ornamental and beetle necklaces and ending with the seemingly classic “Margaritas” and “Petit Möffs” with their pearls and gemstones and very unusual, detailed settings that only become apparent at a second glance.
Bolas is a particularly intriguing chain creation by Patrik Muff, borrowed from a traditional men’s piece of jewellery from America’s Southwest, which can be worn close to the neck or as a long amulet on a square leather strap.

Be it simple pearls or voluminous, glamorous pendants – every single earring by the Munich jewellery designer has the distinctive Muff-twist that is often manifested in small details. For his earring collections, which are noticed at first glance together with a person’s face and succinctly influence the wearer’s look, jewellery designer Patrik Muff creates handpicked, meticulously crafted jewellery.
Several times a day, consciously or unconsciously, pulled out and taken to hand: Accessories such as key chains or purse eyelets show style in even the little everyday things. However, the items designed by Patrik Muff for this purpose not only make a meaningful statement for others, but, more importantly, imply a stylish message from the owner to themselves.